Visitors Policy

Purpose: To record all visitors to Lili’s Early Learning whilst children are being educated and cared for at the service. 
Policy: Management will ensure a record of all visitors to the service whilst education and care is being provided to children.


  1. The centre must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the record of all visitors to Lili’s Early Learning is kept.
  2. The centre must take all reasonable steps to ensure that visitors to the service are not left alone with enrolled children.
  3. The centre will maintain a visitor’s record to comply with the Reg 165.

This record must include the following information:

(i) date;

(ii) name/company details and reason for the visit

(iii) time in/out;

(iv) signature.

  1. Written records are to be kept for three years after the record was made.
  2. Management are to make visitors aware of appropriate dress standards and behaviour when around children in care.
  3. Visitors without appropriate identification or who do not adhere to the centre’s policies and procedure will not be permitted in the building.

Policy created September 2014
Sourced: National Quality Framework
Education and Care Services Regulations
Policy reviewed August 2017